Author: Bbrantley
With cystic acne treatment you can involve many different types of medication and a variety of acne treatment products. Cystic acne is commonly found in adolescents that are entering puberty and experiencing an increase in their testosterone. This occurs in both the male and female and over time should decrease as cystic acne sufferers reach their early twenties. In some cases however, this can continue into the early thirties and forties. The actual cystic acne can be caused by your sebaceous glands becoming blocked. The sebaceous glands function in our body is to produce oil and a waxy substance that will lubricate our skin and hair. This oily - waxy substance is known as sebum, and when the pores in our skin become blocked they cannot get rid of the sebum in a normal manner. This can result in the excess oil to build up beneath our skin and create our acne condition. Below we will take a look into the cystic acne treatment that will help you to control your break outs..
Cystic Acne Treatment Products
In your cystic acne treatment it is important for you to understand that first and foremost your condition is located deeper in your skin than the surface. Therefore you can begin to rule out products such as topical ointments and cremes. These types of products are targeting your outer skin layer. You want to concentrate on a cystic acne treatment that is going to go deeper into your skin. You also must consider your diet, and how you can change that so that you are not "feeding" your condition. Start adjusting your diet by removing certain items one at a time to see if it helps you with your condition. Some recent studies are showing that in some people, dairy products are actually helping to stimulate their acne condition. You may want to remove dairy products from your diet for three or four days to see if just maybe your cystic acne treatment could involve removing this from your diet for good. It is imperative that you do not change anything else in your daily routine if you are trying to rule things out to help you with your cystic acne treatment.
Will Vitamins help in your Cystic Acne Treatment?
Vitamins can be a very influential source in your cystic acne treatment. They not only help in the production of your bodies cells, but they can also can help your body to build up a higher tolerance to conditions that you subject it to. You can actually obtain a lot of your vitamin requirements through your diet. Try to include fruit in your daily diet because it contains the valuable vitamin C, which will help you regenerate and nourish your damaged skin cells. Vitamin A can be obtained by eating vegetables. These will not only increase and strengthen your skin, but green leafy vegetables also promote the detoxification of your body. You can obtain acceptable amounts of vitamin B by consuming eggs, rice bran, and liver. Obviously, the simple way to obtain these is to go to your local pharmacy. But if you are serious about cystic acne treatment,it is always beneficial to obtain your nutrients through their natural means.
Cystic Acne Treatment Products – Over the Counter
Accutane has been shown to dramatically reduce the size of your oil glands within the skin. This in turn will make your glands produce less oil, and the result should be a cleaner complexion. Herbal Acne Treatments are wide spread across the internet and have been shown to greatly reduce acne triggers and the cause of acne. Some of the listed acne products include aloe vera and and green tea extract. These will help soothe your cystic acne. Two listed ingredients to help you detoxify your system are Neem and Haemifine Syrup. Exposed is a product that has been developed by dermatoligists and organic bioligists. They claim that this product contains the best ingredients available to cure any type of acne from mild to the more severe cystic acne. Acnezine System by Revitol is a natural based product that is an anti bacterial formula that is advertised to work on all skin conditions. They claim this product will help reduce oily skin and combat bacteria producing pores.
Cystic Acne Treatment Is Available in Many Forms
Most acne treatment products that are available to you are advertised products and they should be thoroughly researched by you to make sure that they are for your skin type and your acne condition. It is as always buyer beware and you have to narrow down the acne treatment that is specific to you. Try to remember to use any cystic acne treatment product in an area of your body that is not prone to excessive exposure. This will help you not only monitor it's effectiveness, but if you have any type of reaction, it will be better protected. The acne treatment that is right for you is the treatment that will work for you, your skin, and your acne condition. Although a friend our colleague may swear by their form of cystic acne treatment, discuss with them why they use it, and for what conditions.
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